Become a Supporter today
Your generosity sustains our work – for next year, and far into the future. Whether we are old friends or you have just heard of us, thank you for considering a tax-deductible contribution to Thrive Hood River.
Legal Defense Fund
Our mission is to ensure that Oregon’s land use laws are doing their job: in service of the land and the communities that depend upon and steward it. Legal action is never our first step, but when the stakes are high, it is a necessary and effective tool. Your donation to the Legal Defense Fund will ensure that we never have to back down from a fight because of lack of resources.
Your donation to the Legal Defense Fund will be used exclusively for the cost of appeals, filing fees, lawsuits and related expenses, legal representation and legal research. Your donation may be further earmarked for the Mt. Hood Land Trade, or for Code Enforcement actions to ensure that our local ordinances are respected.
Other ways to Give
Endowment Fund
Your gift to the Thrive Hood River Endowment Fund will support our operations far into the future. Our endowment, managed by the Gorge Community Foundation, grows year over year. A portion of this growth is made available to us, and covers core operational costs from staff to communications to events. Everything that keeps our critical work moving forward.
Donations to our endowment fund can come in any form, from cash to stocks to real estate. If you prefer, gifts can be made anonymously by contacting the Gorge Community Foundation directly.
Gifts of Stock and Securities
We are able to accept your generous gift of appreciated securities with unrealized gains, which may allow you to take a tax deduction. Please contact your financial professional to learn more about the tax benefits you may receive from a gift of stock or securities.
Legacy Giving
One of the most profound and effective means of sustaining Thrive Hood River is to include us in your estate planning with a legacy gift. This is a tax-efficient way for you to leave a legacy that supports our mission of protecting farms, forests, wild places and livable communities in our beautiful valley.
Wills and Trusts
One of the simplest planned gifts is a bequest through your will or trust in which you designate either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate after other disbursements. A bequest can reduce the amount of your taxable estate, which may increase the actual amount available to loved ones. In addition to supporting Thrive Hood River, it serves as an example to your heirs of the values and ideals you hold dear.
Gifts Outside Your Will
Help our mission even faster by making a gift that avoids probate. Just name Thrive Hood River as beneficiary on bank accounts or certificates of deposit, appreciated securities, retirements plans, insurance policies or real estate.