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Walmart Redux

City Council Denies Walmart’s Vested Right Again

On Tuesday December 2, the Hood River City Council once again voted 4-3 to deny Walmart’s vested right to expand their non-conforming store finding that such a right had expired long ago since Walmart had made no construction effort in over 20 years.  Walmart has until January 9 to appeal the decision to Oregon’s Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA).

Walmart Redux–Remand Hearing at Hood River City Council

Tuesday, December 2nd at 6 pm the City Council will once again consider whether or not Walmart can use a 20-year old permit to allow expansion of its store and bypass the City’s current “big box” ordinance and non-conforming use rules. When the City first voted on this back in December 2012, the Council decided that Walmart’s right to expand its store by 30,000 sq. ft. had expired because Walmart let 20 years pass without attempting any construction at the site. However, Oregon’s Land Use Board of Appeals found that the City did not conduct the original hearing under the proper procedures so remanded the case back for the City to rule again.

HRVRC is not anti-Walmart in this matter, but we are very pro-adherence to existing zoning regulations. Land-use permits do not last forever. Walmart, like any other business or property owner, must meet our current land-use laws –not the laws of two decades ago– before approvals can be granted.

Here is more information on the remand issues and HRVRC’s testimony that Walmart’s vested right has expired.