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Streets Alive Sept. 30

What is it? Streets Alive! temporarily closes a few traffic lanes in the Heights to vehicles so that people of all ages can freely walk, bike, play and share food, music and art with their neighbors.

This will be a day to celebrate what’s great about the Heights and Hood River with amazing

food, participatory art projects and live music on porches throughout the neighborhood. Check out for more info.

We’ll also be testing out some demonstration street treatments on 12th and 13th Streets based on ideas that Dan Burden suggested in his Heights Walkability Report. The cool kids call it Tactical Urbanism or DIY Urbanism or Planning-by-Doing.
We’ll be using low-cost materials like chalk paint and haybales to experiment with potential street design changes like curb extensions and protected bike lanes. 

VOLUNTEERS needed! Are you a musician, artist, restaurant, Heights’ homeowner, or a resident who wants to be a block captain, roving cyclist, intersection monitor, social media maven, demonstration assembler for an hour…the list goes on, and we need you! Sign up opportunities listed here or contact volunteer coordinator Megan Ramey.