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Stay Home and Stay Well

As families stay home to protect public health, we are incredibly grateful to be part of this resilient community. The COVID-19 outbreak makes us even more appreciative that we live in a place surrounded by nature and neighbors who look out for one another.

Since our founding in 1977 around the kitchen tables of dedicated residents, we have worked to protect this place we love. Throughout the uncertain and challenging days ahead, we will continue to support agriculture, livability and wild places. Thrive Hood River now has both downtown and mid-valley kitchen table offices, please contact us online — we’re here if you’ve got questions.

All our events have been postponed including the Annual Spring Gathering and Streets Alive HR. We look forward to restarting our in-person events but will only do so when it is safe. In the meantime, we will use our digital channels to keep everyone updated and are finding new ways to engage.

3 things we have been working on this Month:


  • Keeping the Mt. Hood Land Trade on track – we are about to start mediation on appraisals and equalization of properties involved in the trade
  • Building a coalition to support affordable and diverse housing solutions
  • Defending Dee residents by filing an appeal against the fourth permit extension for the large scale Deetour concert venue

3 things you can do now for the community:


  • If you are able – Buy from local farmers and small businesses. Supporting small local business now helps ensure that laid off employees will have jobs to go back to. Many places are finding creative ways to do takeout, delivery, and online sales. Reach out to your favorite farmers, Treebird Farm, Hood River Organic and others are doing home delivery of local produce and meat. Gorge Grown’s Who’s Your Farmer Directory is a great resource for contact info. Many restaurants are offering take out or delivery – check out this local food and drink bingo card.
  • Support local healthcare workers if you are crafty or have PPE to donate – Thrive’s Community Engagement Director is working with nurses from MCMC and Providence to collect donations of sealed/unopened boxes of masks, gowns, hair nets, face shields, gloves, and hand sanitizer. Our local healthcare workers are running out of necessary protective supplies and have asked for community members to sew masks to use as a last resort. These can also be used by our vulnerable community members. There is a facebook group the Gorge Makers Collective or simple mask tutorials can be found Here or Here. Contact with donations.
  • Share how to access food assistance and support the organizations who are helping to feed Gorge communities. These include FISH Food Bank, WAGAP, Columbia Gorge Food Bank, local restaurants, as well as school cafeterias and community efforts to provide free lunches for kids while they are out of school.

Stay Home & Stay Well
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