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SB 432 to Sen. Courtney and Sen. Burdick

Sample email to cut and paste to Senate President Sen. Peter Courtney and Democratic Leader Sen. Ginny Burdick: and

Dear Sen. Courtney and Sen. Burdick:

I urge you to vote NO on Senate Bill 432 which removes Eastern Oregon counties from Oregon’s statewide land use system. While these counties have not enjoyed the same robust economic and population growth as we’ve had in Hood River, the statewide land use system isn’t to blame. Businesses and people are making the choice not to relocate to these counties for a host of reasons unrelated to our land use system. And in fact, Oregon’s land use system enhances these counties’ most important industry—agriculture. There are real things the legislature can do to improve the economy and vibrancy of Eastern Oregon counties. You should spend your time and our public money addressing real problems and providing real solutions like HB 2012.

Since there is no evidence that Oregon’s land use program has hurt growth in these counties, nor evidence that removing the state land use program will spur growth in any way, you’ve got to ask “what is the purpose of the bill?”

This legislation is just one more attempt to dismantle the statewide land use system entirely. When direct efforts—like Measures 10, 7 and 37—have failed, opponents of land use planning have decided to take an incremental approach, and dismantle it piece-by-piece, starting in Eastern Oregon. The bill’s chief sponsor and Sen. Minority leader, Sen. Ted Ferrioli, has been a fierce critic of Oregon’s land use program for years. This year it seems he hopes that he can achieve gutting our land use system in exchange for other legislation. We trust no one will make that deal of trading away Oregon’s heritage of our land use system, anymore than we would trade the Beach Bill, the Bottle Bill, or the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.

Don’t take this deal. Vote no on SB 432. Dismantling our statewide land use program is too high of price to pay. This bill would threaten what makes Oregon a beautiful and live-able state, and would make it more expensive for farmers to earn their livelihoods.

Sincerely, YOUR NAME