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Creating Safe Routes to Schools Action Plans

This is the first generation of kids projected to have worse health outcomes than their parents. We want to help correct that,

Westside SRTS Team

reduce childhood obesity and improve education outcomes by getting kids walking or biking to school when possible. Thanks to a grant from Oregon Community Foundation, Thrive is spearheading the creation of Safe Routes to Schools Action Plans for May St. Elementary, Westside Elementary and Hood River Middle School. With these plans in place, Hood River will qualify for infrastructure funding from the Oregon Department of Transportation to fix sidewalks and add bike lanes.

In June, urban planning rockstar Dan Burden came to Hood River to conduct walking and biking audits with school teams from May St. Elementary, Westside Elementary and Hood River Middle School. 

Hood River Middle School SRTS team

After his visit, Dan produced this richly illustrated report with an analysis of the streets around each school and a toolkit of tested solutions that make the streets safer and friendlier to school kids (and everyone!)


Click the cover to read the report









The next step is finalizing Action Plans for each of the schools: