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Ride It. Respect It. Enjoy It. Protect It!


After five great years, our Hood River Harvest Ride has ended but the mapped routes we created are still available for all to enjoy. The Hood River News recently ran our farewell message.

Harvest Ride is no more
HR News Wed. Sept. 24, 2014

The Hood River Valley Resident Committee announced earlier this year that their annual Harvest Ride is now a thing of the past. After five successful years of organizing the scenic autumn road biking tour around the valley, HRVRC credited several reasons for discontinuing the event, which it hopes people will continue informally by following former courses and maps it has kept available on line (

HRVRC offered the following statement on its website as a farewell to the Harvest Ride.

“We are fortunate to have held the Hood River Harvest Ride from 2009 until 2013 as a major fundraiser for the Hood River Valley Residents Committee ( We deeply appreciate all the generous support from our volunteers, sponsors, and riders. Its been a great way to raise funds and showcase the Hood River Valley and the importance of its working and wild landscapes.

“With every year though, the risk factors around the bike ride increased from the obvious weather dependent nature of the event to things like forest fires which result in last minute ride relocation, loss of our staging area to fire crews, smoke from forest fire, and competition fem a growing number of fall rides around the state and locally. The tremendous amount of time required to plan a successful supported bike ride has also run up against the time HRVRC needs to deal with the amount and intensity of land use issues that have increased over the last few years.

“So thank you all Harvest Riders for supporting the ride for 5 years and riding in the beautiful Hood River Valley. We hope you will print out and use our maps, which still are on the website (, to ride the Hood River Valley on your own. And remember our motto: Ride it. Respect it, Enjoy it. Protect it!”