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Photo: Paloma Ayala


Oregon’s statewide land use planning Goal 14 envisions a compact City of Hood River, contained and managed within its Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).

Goal 10 provides for urban housing that meets the needs of people at a variety of incomes levels, and offers a range of different places and different community densities to choose from.

Goal 13 encourages communities to look within existing urban neighborhoods for areas of potential redevelopment before looking to expand UGBs; that is, to “recycle and re-use vacant land.”

Goal 12 envisions a walkable, bikeable Hood River, where people have safe, viable transportation options, including public transit.

Oregon’s Goal 10: Housing

2025 Legislative Concept with Statewide Partners 1000 Friends of Oregon and statewide partners have outlined a comprehensive 2025 legislative concept to advance Oregon’s pro-housing framework. Key proposals include providing infrastructure…

Odell Unincorporated Community

Thrive is participating on the Odell Community Plan Advisory Committee. This committee has met two times and will continue to meet in 2025, to consider the Odell area’s urban growth boundary…

Parkdale Unincorporated Community Planning

In 2022, Hood River County reinvigorated the process of planning and zoning for the unincorporated communities of Parkdale and Odell. Throughout 2023 and 2024, Thrive solicited citizen input and presented…

Previous Projects

Westside Park

The Hood River Valley Parks and Recreation District has entered into a two-year option agreement to purchase 20 acres on Fairview Drive for a future park.

Streets Alive

In September 2018 we helped organize Streets Alive! – a street-party-meets-activist event that temporarily closed a few traffic lanes in the Heights to vehicles so that people of all ages could freely walk, bike, play and share food, music and art with their neighbors. We were especially excited about creating demonstration crosswalks and bike lanes on 12th and 13th Streets to model a safer, friendlier Heights streetscape.

Safe Routes to Schools

Getting kids walking or biking to school is healthy, reduces childhood obesity and improves educational outcomes. Thanks to an Oregon Community Foundation grant, Thrive is working with the Hood River County School District to create Safe Routes to Schools Action Plans for May St. Elementary, Westside Elementary and Hood River Middle School.

Heights Urban Renewal

January 2025 Update
The adopted Heights Streetscape Plan is designed to improve safety and access for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers on 12th and 13th streets. The City is pursuing funding and the project is one of its top five development priorities.

Missing Middle Housing

Missing Middle Housing is the name given to a range of multi-unit or clustered housing types compatible in scale with single-family homes. They provide diverse housing options along the spectrum of affordability, and include things like duplexes, fourplexes, granny flats, cottage clusters and bungalow courts. They allow us to use land more efficiently while retaining neighborhood character.

Westside Area Plan

The Westside Area Plan is the City of Hood River’s deepest and most comprehensive look at its residential land in 40 years. The project covers 450 acres and the last big pieces of undeveloped land in the City and includes housing, transportation, parks and infrastructure. By planning ahead of development, we’ve got our best shot to make these new neighborhoods into beloved parts of our city.