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Kathleen Sanders
Hood River County Commissioner, District 1

Having been raised in the Hood River Valley, I am proud to throw my hat in the ring for county commissioner! As a pharmacist for over 20 years in The Gorge, I have always enjoyed serving my community and helping people thrive. Becoming a commissioner in Hood River will allow me to continue my civil duty and passion to help in other positive ways.

I recognize the many changes and challenges Hood River is experiencing. I have watched the transitions of forestry, farming and tourism, each of substantial importance. We are expanding industrially and will continue this growth with the right approach. My experience in small and big business models has taught me plenty about budgeting, planning and adapting to challenges. I look forward to bringing the right solutions to the table in the commissioner’s seat.

Candidate responses to questions from Columbia Gorge News, April 12, 2022

1. What makes you the best choice for Hood River County Commissioner, District 1?

My roots run deep and wide in Hood River Valley. I had the blessing of growing up here, getting married to a schoolmate, earning a degree, raising my children here and being a businesswoman. I have witnessed the transitions of the fruit, lumber, small business and tourism industries here. This firsthand experience with living in Hood River is what will serve me well in the role of county commissioner. I have much in common with the residents of District 1 who want to take care of their families, earn a living, and thrive in a safe and healthy community. I look forward to being able to listen to their voices and give back and serve in this important position!

2. A lack of affordable housing is a community concern throughout the Gorge. What role do you believe Hood River County is able to play in finding solutions, and what solutions do you support?

Affordable housing is a regional and bi-state issue that is much bigger than Hood River County. Because of this, I don’t believe its an issue that can be quickly “solved,” but there are actions that can be taken locally to improve the current worsening situation.

I believe close collaboration with the City of Hood River is necessary, and a joint response is needed. System Development Charges are increasing rapidly and get passed along into the high cost of housing.

I support taking a fresh look at local zoning in Hood River County and consider where additional housing may be located without compromising high value farmland.

Expansion of services can enable workers to live where its most affordable for them and allow them to access work and recreation. The commission should be doing all it can to support economic development and creating good paying jobs, so more workers can afford quality housing.

3) Homelessness is also a community concern in Hood River County. Is this a county issue, and if so what solutions do you support?

I believe homelessness is also an issue that requires a joint Hood River County and city response. There is some good work being done by local non-profits to provide support for those that want assistance. The county should support these efforts and continue to find ways to help those in need.

Encouraging additional workforce development throughout the county can help more residents remain self-sufficient. Lots of us have hit bumps on our personal roads, and we sometimes need assistance to find the resources to get us successfully back on our personal journeys.