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Stew Crew Collaborates on Forest Issues

FOREST image HRVRC’s participation in the Hood River Collaborative Stewardship Crew (Stew Crew) continues. During our spring and summer field trips and meetings, the Stew Crew developed  recommendations to the Hood River Ranger District for protecting and improving forest health in the Pollallie-Cooper planning area of the Mt. Hood National Forest. The complex nature of forest treatment issues is truly fascinating, but takes time to absorb. Our field trips provide an “on the ground” opportunity to assess different forest conditions and terrain, then various treatment options are discussed and recommendations formed during alternate meetings in Hood River. In the Pollallie-Cooper planning area we have focused on the reduction of fuel loading in fire-adapted plant areas in the Cooper Spur Wildland Urban interface, which is located in the East Fork of the Hood River watershed.


This past summer the Stew Crew also applied for a grant from the National Forest Foundation to fund a part time facilitator. The Stew Crew was unsuccessful in its grant bid but a facilitator continues to be a need and they will reapply in 2015 if funds are available. HRVRC will remain in place as fiscal sponsor.


Meanwhile, the Stew Crew will be meeting on November 20 to prioritize project proposals for $150,000 in USFS Stewardship contract funding.  At that meeting project proponents will have an opportunity to explain how their project can improve the health and habitats of the east side of the Mt. Hood National Forest. Projects are likely to include things like road maintenance to protect water quality of streams, noxious weed treatment, pre-commercial thinning, and aspen stand restoration.


If these local forest management issues and the collaborative process interest you, please consider joining the Stew Crew by contacting Anne Saxby with the Hood River Soil and Water Conservation District at (541) 386-6719 or