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Tell Oregon’s Legislators to protect Farm and Forest Land

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Support Bills:

SB 78: Replacement Dwelling Reform. Stops the conversion of agricultural and forest land for luxury residential development through “replacement” dwellings.

SB 77: Home Occupation Reform. Closes the loophole that allows large-scale hospitality and entertainment facilities being approved on land designated for agricultural and timber production.

SB 73: Spot Zoning Reform. Stops the case-by-case rezoning of individual ag and forest properties to residential and industrial use outside a state-authorized planning process.

SB 79: Nonresource Dwelling Reform. Prohibits new houses that have nothing to do with agriculture or forest management from being built in critical groundwater areas, priority wildlife habitat and migration corridors, and on high‐value farmland.

Please fill out the form to encourage your legislators to support these bills.